A tactical retreat is not a bad response to a surprise assault, you know.
In each case here, the Iraqi attacks have been carried out by small groups of soldiers, who capitalize on quick surprise assaults.
Then it flew into desperate play against a last surprise assault by the witch.
The dangers were obvious, but this was precisely the kind of surprise assault for which the airborne forces had been trained.
In the surprise assault, troops were expected to close up on the Arnhem bridge very quickly.
The surprise assault of the attacker gave him a split-second's advantage.
This has been around since the 15th century, and there is little likelihood of White's springing a surprise tactical assault against it.
In a surprise assault on the encampment of Caupolicán, they were able to capture him.
This was supposed to be a surprise assault, remember?
At 19:30, Butler blew his whistle and a surprise assault was launched against the fort from the south.