So it was no surprise to find he had moved in.
One source said: 'It would come as no surprise to find her driving herself to the church.
It's probably not a huge surprise to find social workers near the top of this list.
Is it really such a surprise to find a workplace full of people from all over the world?
It comes almost as a surprise to find him having fun.
It was no surprise to find enough food for a siege.
"It's always a surprise to find new information about subjects that interest me."
It was no surprise to find all seven of the city?
But what was their surprise to find the stones all gone!
It was not a surprise to find him in the Open final.
"Although it wouldn't surprise me to find the dust there."
"Does it surprise you to find we have a stable for them?"
It really surprised me to find them $8 to $10 cheaper.
Judy didn't feel very hungry, but as she looked around, it surprised her to find that day had given way to evening.
Wouldn't surprise me to find he could peek into the future.
But he'd been surprised even to find that we had electricity.
That was primarily for anyone who surprised him to find.
"We would not have been surprised at these high levels to find a link with lung cancer," he said.
And is he surprised to find himself still around?
It rather surprised her to find him such a nice, polite boy.