The only other meat dish we tried was veal scaloppine with fresh mushrooms, and it was surprisingly bland.
The paw-pia, a Thai spring roll with ground chicken and vegetable, is surprisingly bland.
An appetizer of charcoal grilled baby octopus was surprisingly bland.
The drinks are exceptional, but the food can be surprisingly bland.
The red-label oil from Tuscany, surprisingly bland and greasy, is the least appealing.
Mr. Wayans is an agreeable screen presence, but he makes a surprisingly bland action hero.
The soup had the consistency of wallpaper paste and, despite the buttermilk, was surprisingly bland.
This is a surprisingly bland article from a wonderful writer about my favourite publication (for nigh on 20 years!)
Spaghetti with lobster was peppery hot and surprisingly bland at the same time.
Red curry chicken (with green beans, bamboo shoots, sweet basil and bell peppers) was surprisingly bland.