The series draws on members of the local theatre community and the results are surprisingly decent.
A laugh with genuinely funny fans who cared, a good atmosphere, the chance to stand up at a match and surprisingly decent and honest football.
The place seems to have a surprisingly decent connection for fresh fish, but it could use a new avocado supplier.
Being a heavier virtuaroid, it has surprisingly decent speed.
I asked, but Malsothosotho himself responded in surprisingly decent English, "Hope.
There's a reason I don't sing professionally, as the experiment quickly reminded me, but the results were surprisingly decent.
A surprisingly decent noon meal of bayleaf-seasoned stew, fruit, and wine punch was served.
You're not getting full-blown studio quality in that but you can produce surprisingly decent stuff for little budget.
The food I ate was surprisingly decent.
The picture and sound are surprisingly decent, given that they are being squeezed down a wire meant to carry voice alone.