An annual event, and a surprisingly potent one.
A female lawyer behind me breaks into a sweat and a hot waft of surprisingly potent and musky perfume flows off her pulse-points.
EXHAUST from the smokestacks of oceangoing ships has been added to the list of surprisingly potent human contributions to the earth's climate.
But Mr. McCain then put the measure at the center of his surprisingly potent maverick bid for the presidency in 2000, and a year later the Senate passed the bill.
His first impression of the surprisingly potent blue ale had been that it probably ought to be illegal.
His towering presence barely stooped by age, his cavernous voice still surprisingly potent, he offered a Schigolch not as some scabrous reprobate but as a god in grudging decline.
His clear, evocative prose allows small moments to build to surprisingly potent emotional payoffs.
It is a game plan that has helped Mr. Bradley mount a surprisingly potent challenge to Mr. Gore.
For such a slim and unassuming book, "Safelight" tells a surprisingly potent story.
I expected the cucumber to be the mildest, but it turned out to be surprisingly potent.