Some of his new teammates wondered what he would be like and have found him, so far, to be surprisingly relaxed.
Kate Mctiernan was surprisingly relaxed under the circum stances, as if she could have done this for a living.
American-style country-western music has long been popular in Czechoslovakia, and the scene at the afternoon concert was surprisingly relaxed.
Mr. Daubeny said that its officials were surprisingly relaxed about the film's explosive climax and what it might mean.
The manager was surprisingly relaxed about credit.
These hints of lost dignity aside, the country-preacher-turned-politician at the door was surprisingly relaxed.
The pilgrim trade is constant, but merchants are surprisingly relaxed - perhaps in deference to the shadows cast by the awe-inspiring temple.
To tell you the truth, I was surprisingly relaxed all the way around.
Her attitude to most things is surprisingly relaxed, almost cavalier.
Lost in the blizzard, we are surprisingly relaxed.