The air around her seemed filmy, giving her a soft, blurred, surreal appearance.
Smiley and West recently made a somewhat surreal appearance on Fox News's "Hannity & Colmes."
The next day, an association of judges expressed outrage, saying its members were "dumbstruck" by Mr. Suard's "surreal appearance."
Frederick's face was gaunt, and on the screens Basil could see that the attendants had applied too much makeup, giving the King a powdery, surreal appearance.
The slightly surreal glowing appearance of foliage in infrared photographs is called the Wood effect.
They do create a universe all their own, with personages like Thomson and Thompson whose surreal appearance (did he know the art of Magritte?
MY reverie was broken by the surreal appearance of Dorothy, a fortysomething marketing manager from St Helen's, emerging from behind a boulder riding a yak.
The band members adopt surreal appearances and behavior, with Kiedis for example having an overall Princess Leia-esque look, complete with robes and a "donut" hairstyle.
The interior had an "almost surreal appearance" created by interior designer Adrien Alex Voisin.
My most disconcerting and surreal appearance was as a panelist on a television pilot called "American Heartline."