After the war, his paintings took on a more surreal aspect, taking as their subject biblical topics, abstract figures, nudes and flowers.
For Worf, the interrogation was taking on a surreal aspect.
That many, if not most, of Katchor's principals are Jews adds another surreal aspect to the mix.
Here you will find a love for the unusual, surreal, unexpected and sometimes faintly alarming aspects of comedy.
In this case, the effects serve to enhance clarity, while adding a surreal aspect to an otherwise realistic film.
Ralph barely noticed; the day had taken on the surreal aspects of a nightmare.
There was a surreal aspect to the struggle over a health plan.
The artwork has especially been praised for its surreal aspects.
His music certainly emphasizes the surreal aspects of the story, to both good and bad effect.
The electric lights were still on, lending the scene an odd, surreal aspect.