The moving chairs transport the two pop stars through many strange scenes and surreal episodes involving symbols of time.
The day we saw it turned into one of those surreal episodes where everything seems out of phase and afterward you wonder if it really happened.
Gradually, you start to connect these surreal episodes and make guesses.
Eventually, Chand comprehends all the surreal episodes in her life and upon separation from her husband decides to go back to India.
The film is a journey through the absurd and surreal episodes.
In this surreal episode, the group performs 33 hours of surgery without sleep.
The surreal episode began in the sixth with the score 4-2 when Umpire Doug Harvey, the crew chief, ordered players off the field after the fog had descended.
MANY more astounding adventures and surreal episodes lie ahead.
It is brilliantly comic, full of intellectual parody and all manner of slapstick, surreal episodes.
The trade paperback included a two-page text piece that explained the surreal final episode, "Fall Out" as drug-enhanced psychodrama designed to break Number Six.