The story then takes several surreal turns, as the family of the dead man try to recover the precious card from the grave.
By turns folksy and surreal, bleak and wry, the songs added up to a shrug of the shoulders in the face of impending doom.
Mark E. Smith's relentless lyrics are by turns surreal and vitriolic.
After the meeting, Mr. Kitano's dreams take a violent, surreal turn.
The event was by turns seamy, surreal and stunning, and was carried on all major networks in its entirety.
Where visitors see cosmopolitanism, residents grapple with ethnic voting and intensely personal politics in a mayoral election that has taken a decidedly surreal turn.
In a surreal turn of events, Karl's uncle, Senator Jacob, is in a meeting with the captain.
Life had taken a surreal turn.
In a surreal turn of events, a Knicks team that specializes in turning adversity into adrenaline was at its dramatic best.
At another point, things took a surreal turn.