A plastic surgeon blackmails his artist wife, forcing her to surrender custody of their two children.
But in August he surrendered custody of the original murderer in return for a pardon and a fine of 20 marks.
Correcting an error it made last year, the Legislature approved a bill permitting a parent to surrender custody of a child out of court.
The proposed law would allow the parent to surrender custody outside of court, in the presence of a lawyer and a social-service caseworker.
While still an infant, her mother surrendered custody to her maternal grandmother.
"I can try to stall things off as long as possible, but legally, I'll have to surrender custody of your group sooner or later."
I must inter- rogate the rebels, Doctor, before my government officially demands that you surrender custody of them.
If you grant the rebels political asylum and refuse to surrender custody to my government, the negotiations will undoubtedly collapse.
The Governor and legislators have agreed to permit a parent to surrender custody of a child out of court.
Fourteen states have laws that prohibit child welfare officials from insisting that parents surrender custody to get mental health services for their children.