If we broadcast a surrender demand now, it'll arrive everywhere in the system about a half hour after our presence has been detected.
Geary checked the time, confirming that the response to his surrender demand must've been sent very quickly.
"Why haven't we received another surrender demand?"
Zhukov thus decided to send parlementaires under a white flag with surrender demands.
Vaubois, who was still hoping for relief from France, summarily rejected a new surrender demand.
Snudge dismounted, drew his sword, and made the surrender demand.
Donop waited for two hours and sent a second surrender demand to the fort.
The first attack went in on 16 September 1779, and a surrender demand was made.
Zhukov issued a surrender demand to the forces trapped in the pocket on February 8, but was turned down.
Russian surrender demand was repeated on 2 April.