He was present at the beginning of surrender negotiations between the Japanese emissaries and American military officials on Iejima in 1945.
It has been speculated that this movement had an effect on the surrender negotiations then ongoing at Saratoga.
The Moore House is located in the eastern part of the park and is where surrender negotiations took place in 1781.
Realizing his position was no longer tenable, Campbell opened surrender negotiations the next day.
If the other forts did decide that resistance was futile then the surrender negotiations could take hours.
He assisted in the surrender negotiations for Manila.
Shein began surrender negotiations in January 1634, and by February they were in full swing.
The fighting with Spain was over by the time he arrived, but he assisted in the surrender negotiations.
Smith had to conduct another set of surrender negotiations, that of the German armed forces, in May 1945.
At ll:00 a.m. the surrender negotiations were completed and Joseph returned to his lines.