Here were surrendered more men (without terms) than in any other battle on American soil.
The 11th Infantry Regimennt surrendered 4 officers and 19 men.
The unit surrendered 18 officers and 120 men.
According to government records it surrendered 11 officers and 95 men on April 9, 1865.
On April 9, 1865, it surrendered 4 officers and 79 men at Appomattox.
The unit surrendered 12 officers and 82 men.
The Union garrison also surrendered 12,419 men, 13,000 small arms, 200 wagons, and 73 artillery pieces.
He ended up surrendering 3,800 men to the local authorities.
On April 9, 1865, the unit surrendered 7 officers and 74 men.
The 2nd, 5th, and 8th surrendered 68, 53, and 32 men respectively.