These issues tend to become more polarizing for women, played out in complicated, surreptitious ways.
Ms. Segarra said some board members worried that the summer program had become a surreptitious way of raising teacher salaries.
What was different about Porter was his particular sensibility, the unassuming, decorous, almost surreptitious way he affected the mix.
Racing down the pathway, Catso was not even aware that the knots had found their surreptitious way into his hand.
"But if they walk out with a gift of some kind as a surreptitious way of rewarding a celebrity, it's absolutely taxable."
At CIF they have already implemented this policy in a more surreptitious way, but it hasn't worked very well.
They've got a surreptitious way of getting open on the outside.
Mr. Costello's songs rarely fail to acknowledge, in some surreptitious way, the musicians that influenced them.
But in an almost surreptitious way, they revel in a kind of painterly opulence.
But beneath the surface of resolution she knew he would regain his former self and enjoy again the shame of his surreptitious ways.