State police officials defended the circumstances surrounding Mr. Florence's arrest on March 3.
In the events surrounding the Paradigm's arrest, Gilgamos lost his wings.
He said the information could only be meaningfully evaluated in the context of detailed medical information about the suspect and the events surrounding his arrest.
The suspension was imposed after a review of the details surrounding his arrest by the police in Norman, Okla., early Sunday.
The judicial settlement allowed Mayfield to continue a suit regarding certain other government practices surrounding his arrest and detention.
Some circumstances surrounding Janša's arrest have never been clarified, especially the role played by the Slovenian Communist leadership.
But in the glare surrounding Mr. Wachtler's arrest, seven others, all of them incarcerated, thought they saw a ray of hope.
This sparked some elements of the controversy surrounding Hawash's arrest and detention.
The publicity surrounding her arrest ironically boosted the popularity of her videos.
Sciarra's announcement that he would transfer was a footnote to the publicity surrounding his arrest for public drunkenness before the 2003 season.