What is more, nerve cells immediately surrounding the point of crushing also became more electrically charged.
Our two companies spread out and partly surrounded the fortified point.
The waters surrounding the point react to swiftly running tides, attracting many marine bird species.
This investigator thinks of a unit area in a horizontal plane, surrounding the prescribed point.
The signal changes produce a corresponding change in the local electric field surrounding the point being probed.
The gel surrounds the point where the two pieces meet inside the connector for very little light loss.
Similar to Version A except that there are only 22 men, and 8 of which must surround the central point of the board at the beginning.
Cases of chronic nerve pain in the areas surrounding the point of injury are not uncommon.
Points are captured by a certain number of team members surrounding the point, with it either capturing instantly or after a couple of seconds.
Eight dogs are placed on the eight points on the central square surrounding the middle point which is left vacant.