Our audience was reluctantly and suspiciously gathering in the surrounding field.
The blue surrounding field and three gold anchors represent the Island status and maritime history.
W'ithin minutes the surrounding fields had turned to a quagmire.
In 1191, the king confirmed the monastery and its surrounding fields as belonging to the Cistercian Order.
In 1799 the surrounding field is known as Fold Park.
Apart from a group-oriented function the surrounding field of the enterprise was included.
This rectangular mound is covering about 22 hectares and standing 4.5 m above the surrounding field.
Even communication beyond a few astronomical units was not possible; the surrounding field muffled it.
He gathered a dozen apple-sized rocks from the surrounding field and tossed them into the center of the fire.
Dimitri walked away from the settling fumes and heat of the tanks, a little ways into the surrounding field.