The University is a living community, which grows and changes with the surrounding society.
The movement in India gradually received a more positive response from the surrounding society, especially after the founder's death in 1990.
By the end of the 1970s, there were mounting tensions with the Indian government and the surrounding society.
Compared with the surrounding society, the social life of the Family exhibited many distinctive utopian characteristics.
It was in the mid-13th century that the surrounding society generally started to put pressure on them to discharge their wider obligations.
The surrounding society is not one where the sexes are equal.
It focuses on the relationship between an individual voice and its surrounding society.
And the object of contention is the relationship between each individual and the surrounding society.
Religion had to be integrated with its surrounding society, not in a subservient position, but forming the vital heart of the culture.
However large numbers of Native Americans managed to stay behind by blending into the surrounding society.