Dyer scanned the inside of the ribs and the points where they entered the surrounding structure.
The first mechanism being a linear passive mechanism, which is dependent on the mechanical structure of the basilar membrane and its surrounding structures.
Although the original intention was only to document the sculptures, in 1801 Lord Elgin began to remove material from the Parthenon and its surrounding structures under the supervision of Lusieri.
The medial temporal lobes and their surrounding structures are of immense importance to memory in general.
The same holds for a depleting reservoir: as pore fluid is removed less support is given to the surrounding structure, hence a reduction in stress occurs internally in the reservoir.
The galaxy also features a surrounding structure of gas and dust extending up to 150,000 light-years from the galaxy and jets of heated particles that extend 100,000 light-years outwards.
A 1915 arson fire destroyed Moulton Villa and much of Scripps' surrounding structures but the small Carriage House, originally built in 1894, escaped untouched.
Compared to brachycephalic breeds, dochilocephalic (long nosed) breeds usually have more trauma to the eye and its surrounding structures, so there is a worse prognosis.
This can damage the chimney and spread fire to the surrounding structure, especially the roof.
An Oculofacial surgeon is an ophthalmologist (medical doctor and eye surgeon) who has completed additional training in ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery relating to the eyes and their surrounding structures.