Blake (Robert Nicholson) - A communications and surveillance expert.
Later, the two get in each other's way again on a job to eliminate a surveillance expert (Ms. Moore), and a deadly struggle ensues.
When Bendix Schere had quietly head-hunted him nine years later, he was one of the most informed surveillance experts in the world.
Linda Ross, the Oregon's security and surveillance expert, was sitting at the table with Kasim.
In the same year, Incept also launched a Training Academy to produce more biometric and surveillance experts for the industry.
Detectives arrested the suspect at his home in Toxteth after a lengthy cat-and-mouse game involving surveillance experts.
The film is set in the near future where surveillance experts known as "Techs" take on morally dubious assignments for wealthy clients.
He had seen none of them so far, but that simply meant that Renko had assigned surveillance experts to the job.
Rogers was the electronic surveillance expert, the bug catcher.
You should hire a surveillance expert to protect you.