The group would conduct surveys to measure student attitudes on race and ethnicity, and to document the kinds of incidents that occur, Ms. Terrell said.
Two recent surveys, also published in Neurology, have documented widespread use of marijuana among Canadian patients and a widespread belief in its benefits.
Many employers will drop coverage and, as recent surveys document, workers will forgo coverage in exchange for higher wages.
In addition, the survey documented that the availability of an anonymous testing option is consistently associated with higher rates of intention to test in the future.
The latest survey also documented trends in downsizing that have characterized the 1990's.
Various surveys in the last four years have documented the drastic decline and in some cases disappearance of many populations of Pacific salmon.
A recent survey documented approximately 50 cases of futures studies at the tertiary level.
Proximity conducts annual surveys to measure customer satisfaction and to document improvements in farm family incomes.
The survey has already documented the growing dominance of imported plants.
The survey also documents a scarcity of low-rent stabilized apartments.