The survey for the first time examined public attitudes toward artists, and found surprisingly widespread admiration.
Researchers have started a survey, which will take at least six months, to examine this question.
The survey examined benefits at 333 large companies with 1,000 or more employees.
The survey examined several industry issues from the perspective of corporations with market values of $3 billion or less.
A survey examined experiences and attitudes in the more socially deprived areas of the city.
The survey also examined the extent to which assessment was used effectively to support learning and to ensure that the curriculum met pupils' needs.
The survey examined only car floors and seats and did not take litter into account.
The survey examined a total of 7,787 closed transactions, based primarily on public records and reports from managing agents.
The survey examined bad debt experience, credit periods and credit management compared with three years earlier.
The survey also examined women's reasons for seeking abortions.