A survey of current students found that half would not have bothered with university at £9,000 a year.
Nessie, as the student survey is known, had a different story to tell: like, do you have to write a 20-page paper?
Hence the growing importance of the student survey and league tables.
Too often school districts are reluctant to share the information they have gathered using student surveys.
Most national statistics are derived from surveys of principals or students several years ago.
The Satisfaction score is based on the city's annual survey of parents, students and teachers, which generally yields some one million responses.
Not the best of times, you would think, for any teacher to drum up a bit excitement for a student survey.
He based this on the results of the university's first large-scale student survey, which he directed.
In a survey of 1,000 downtown residents, employees, and students, 73% said they would ride the streetcar if it were built.
This modification was created after student surveys revealed that over 80% of students hold after-school jobs.