A survey of 254 leading companies showed that 71 per cent thought exam results a poor guide to an individual's abilities at work.
Such surveys do not result in a random sample because participants are a self-selected group.
These surveys have resulted in the finding of about 900 old coins, mostly from the medieval times, especially from the period 1217 - 1263.
This survey resulted in what came to be known as the "Schomburgk Line".
The surveys result in hourly summaries by route and location.
After the initial survey results a proposal for research was requested by the city of Gunnison.
The survey of 4200 households took place in June 2012 and resulted in 2400 returns.
Mr. Hobson, whose firm helps companies recruit directors, found the survey results encouraging.
His 1851 survey resulted were embodied in the volume on Iron and Steel.
The survey resulted in several streets in Chicago having a diagonal that is at odds with the city's grid pattern.