Anyone who has survived adolescence knows that problems don't vanish.
Nevertheless, the existence of such capabilities would at least show that civilizations have survived "technological adolescence".
Few would have bet that I could survive adolescence.
Typical families consisted of five or more children initially; because of high infant mortality rates, only a few children survived adolescence.
How we survived adolescence in the first place, it's a wonder.
Several had been told, or simply assumed, that they would not survive adolescence, or would only live for maybe 20 or 30 years.
How, then, do most teenagers survive adolescence without harming themselves or winding up in jail?
Dorilys survived birth and infancy, but with her laran, I fear she will not survive adolescence.
In my youth I fathered a few sons here and there, though none survived adolescence.
"Are you warning me that she, too, will not survive adolescence?"