Soft men did not survive along the Blight, nor soft women either.
Today, trenches and gun emplacements still survive along the line of the mountains' summits.
Only a small group of wolves survived in northeastern Minnesota along the Ontario border.
Dozens of colonial buildings survive along the street and many are still used for commercial purposes.
No living thing survived along the westward-trending path of death, but we watched sorrowing until the end.
Several timber framed houses dating from the 17th century and earlier survive along the main road.
A number of significant early mosques survive, particularly along the north coast of Java.
The remains of a wall survive along the river bank, curving back to the north west corner of the keep.
The stables built by John Dudley in the 1550s also survive and lie along the east side of the base court.
The also survive along rivers and lakeshores where water levels are allowed to change within and among years.