He only survives here because old Humphrey's keen on him.
We survive on cheap imported goods because the people who make them work for low wages in unhealthy, perhaps even illegal conditions.
This brotherhood survives because those who have gone before us spent their lives keeping records.
I "survived" because all that part of me that could be killed had been.
And others can make terrible mistakes but survive because they some Teflon quality.
As a result, most of these numbers are now lost for ever, though some two dozen or so survive because friends and disciples transcribed them.
Because that's why this guy survived, because people like that usually don't survive.
It turns out that only the Shoppska salad survived because its unique combination of flavors.
Make sure you can survive for 10 years, because the software products that bring in a billion dollars a year all took that long.
Because your lover survived, because the war took a good turn.