Alternatively, farmers could treat plants that act as alternative hosts for the pest and so reduce the number of pests migrating to a susceptible crop.
Onions are one of the crops most susceptible to competition, for they are slow to germinate and produce slender, upright stems.
This pathogen can eliminate viable production of susceptible crops in specific fields indefinitely if infection is widespread over many years.
Infected land sometimes cannot be used again for susceptible crops for several years.
In susceptible crops, any parts below the ground are liable to infection.
As long as seed growers stay clear of wet, poorly drained areas while also avoiding susceptible crops, Rhizoctonia solani is not usually a problem.
Soil fumigation in fields during fall can control nematodes on a susceptible crop in the spring.
It also infects many perennial weed species that can act as virus reservoirs for susceptible agricultural crops.
The infective sclerotia remain viable in the soil for many years and are stimulated to germinate by the presence of a susceptible crop.
It is a soil-borne fungus and affects susceptible crops planted in infected soil.