Nevertheless, the Federal goal still seemed attainable because the cases were thought to be caused by strains susceptible to standard antibiotics.
A clinical comparison of typhoid fever caused by susceptible and multidrug-resistant strains of Salmonella typhi.
The researchers said that using the drug on a patient to reduce the severity of his symptoms also reduced the levels of susceptible strains of the virus.
In the course of the following months, a complete replacement of the susceptible strains with resistant P. falciparum strains was observed.
The administration of therapeutically dosed antimalarial drugs results in a single peak drug level which kills all susceptible strains.
Gemifloxacin is indicated for the treatment of infections caused by susceptible strains of the designated microorganisms in the conditions listed below.
When it was added to the susceptible strains, using another bacteria that is capable of placing its own DNA in the plant chromosome, they also became resistant.
Oral flucytosine is indicated for the treatment of serious infections caused by susceptible strains of Candida or Cryptococcus neoformans.
It can also be used for the treatment of chromomycosis (chromoblastomycosis), if susceptible strains cause the infection.
Such resistance occurs inevitably over time as an antibiotic kills off susceptible strains of a germ and leaves only the more resistant strains to proliferate.