Can anybody tell me how the national interest or national security is served by having those persons who are suspects not appear?
On 17 May 2009, it was the first time that a suspect appeared voluntarily before the Court.
Only two suspects appear to be present in the video, with one always behind the camera.
The suspects appear to have no connection to the dark Lincoln town car that struck the man, which then fled the scene, the police said.
The police were watching the area when the suspect appeared with a shovel.
So far, all the suspects appear to have been in the city during the kidnappings.
It wasn't at all like the television shows, where the suspect appeared before the commercial.
They were the first time the suspects had appeared before a judge in open court since being arrested last month.
Two suspects did not appear in court because they are already serving prison sentences for trying to bring guns into Canada illegally.
Tuesday was the first time the two suspects had appeared together over the case.