The national Government also decided on Thursday to import 10,000 tons of onions from the Middle East and to suspend exports temporarily.
In December, pipeline attacks were so severe that Colombia suspended exports and had to import oil for the first time since 1985.
But yesterday Brazilian officials confirmed rumors, which arose late Wednesday, that they had suspended exports of orange juice until Tuesday.
Human rights groups had called on the Kimberley Process, which certifies diamonds as being conflict-free, to suspend exports from the country, following the widely reported deaths of hundreds of people when the Zimbabwean army took control of the Marange gem fields.
The high tariff imposed by the Clinton Administration on Japanese luxury cars imported into the United States has begun to bite, forcing Japanese companies to suspend exports and cut production.
The government called for a state of emergency in the two provinces and the army was sent in to disperse the protestors with tear gas, but in response to the growing crisis the state oil company has temporarily suspended exports of petroleum.
Also, Argentina is required by law to suspend exports if it needs its gas at home.
It was reported later in the day that Brazil had suspended exports of soybeans and soy meal to make sure it had enough for domestic use.
After the announcement of sanctions last month, Unocal said it was suspending exploration activities for additional deposits of oil and gas, and Anheuser-Busch said it was suspending exports of beer to Myanmar.
President Could Waive Sanctions It would also suspend sales of controlled munitions or crime-control and detection equipment, exports of American satellites and the liberalization of multilateral export controls.