The computer remained silent for a long, suspenseful moment.
This removes the charm of the suspenseful moments to the attendees.
The most suspenseful moment of the play has arrived.
At the most suspenseful moment, when it seemed the Communists were going to be annihilated, there was a burst of applause in the cinema.
One of the sequences of the film involved a suspenseful moment where a criminal jumped on an unsuspecting individual.
After spending several suspenseful moments reviewing the defense motion, Judge Ito stood by his original decision.
The tally seesawed, and the two sides were tied for a few suspenseful moments before the result was announced.
Then, after a suspenseful moment, he proceeded with his lecture.
Asked how he felt at that suspenseful moment, he said simply: "In between heaven and earth."
He paused a suspenseful moment, then turned around slowly.