Any day now, the suspicions surrounding Bonds could end - or be validated - with one leak of a test result.
Gilbert tells Pat of his suspicions surrounding Bill's trips away, giving fairly strong evidence that he is cheating on her.
But suspicions surrounding China's stunning success will not soon subside.
There is no hint of suspicion surrounding Ely's unwitting role in what happened next.
The suspicions surrounding West Virginia, however, are largely rooted in schedule, not respect.
Mention is made of suspicions surrounding practices which are currently the subject of an inquiry that the public prosecutor has been asked to carry out.
I explained to Bria that there were certain suspicions surrounding my wager with him.
She goes back to Llanview, but not before telling Starr about the suspicion surrounding Todd.
It was decided that Smith should be the player to score, in order to avoid suspicions surrounding betting patterns.
There is considerable suspicion and secrecy surrounding his death.