That same day, police secured a search warrant for Fox's car and found some "suspicious items".
Meanwhile, some people stand in a room filled with suspicious items, preparing for the "ritual of Kotodama".
Yet so far every report of suspicious items has proved to be a false alarm.
The suspicious item found on board turned out to be a radio that had been left by a member of a cleaning crew.
"And to keep suspicious items from my single piece of luggage, whatever that means."
She would not describe the suspicious item or otherwise elaborate.
The search of their vehicle yielded animal rights literature, fur farm addresses, and other suspicious items.
Passengers will be subject to the same types of searches for weapons, explosives and suspicious items as are now in place at airports.
But often it is impossible to prove the source of suspicious items.
If no suspicious items are detected by the machine, a green screen instead appears indicating the passenger is cleared.