And what if that something bore a suspicious resemblance to what earlier mythmakers called God?
Some of the gods of Alta bore a suspicious resemblance to the evil gods of Tia, and vice versa.
They live in an underground warren and bear a bit of a suspicious resemblance to Bugs Bunny.
Fogelin claims to detect a suspicious resemblance between the Theories of Justification and Agrippa's five modes leading to the suspension of belief.
Arnold Bennett found in his paintings "a suspicious resemblance to masterpieces."
One way, called dynamic hedging, bears a suspicious resemblance to the portfolio insurance of old.
The mystery judges, he added, usually bear a suspicious resemblance to members of the University of Miami baseball team.
The crocodile has a suspicious resemblance to a plastic toy.
Berry and Ruth made little sounds that bore a suspicious resemblance to suppressed laughter.