Despite its shields, the alien vessel couldn't sustain such damaging fire.
She sustained 20mm fire from Chinese troops, killing 8 sailors and wounding 20.
The alien ship's energy weapons were strong, but her shields were holding and could likely sustain such fire indefinitely.
Although sustaining heavy fire, the attack was again successful and the enemy routed.
Porter's ship, second in line, sustained heavy fire from shore batteries and received at least 15 direct hits.
Each component represents a property necessary to sustain fire: fuel, oxygen, heat, and chemical chain reaction.
At least two ships are sustaining fire on us.
The fortifications sustained continuous cannon and mortar fire with minimal damage.
The energy supply which had kept the laser cannons active dropped below the level needed to sustain continuous fire.
Just as the ships began moving, the Iconians, still in motion, opened up with sustaining fire.