Where many television series offer glamorous role models weaving intricate plots, "Thirtysomething" presents regular people leading everyday lives - becoming parents, building careers, sustaining friendships, losing loved ones.
Her writing focusses on the issues of environmental protection, working within community to effect change, and the advantages of long, sustaining friendships.
Examples include creating bond of intimacy, sustaining friendships, and ultimately making a family.
More than 60 percent of the children return to the same host families each year, and many sustain lasting friendships.
Retort is a motley crew - writers, artists, teachers, artisans, scientists, poets - joined in a web of sustaining friendships, who share an antagonism to the present order of things.
However, it is the empathy of sharing human ideals and the sharing of common family concerns that have sustained friendships and enriched the lives of people in both communities.
Making and sustaining friendships and personal relationships present significant challenges for many persons with mental disabilities.
Most of the more than 100 who attended the spring event are eager to sustain and rekindle friendships, and indulge in a little nostalgia.
Older children with a compulsion to repeat themselves may be unable to remain in a classroom or may have difficulty sustaining friendships in middle school or high school.
Difficulties in Sustaining Friendships Some people will overcommit due to problems in making deep, sustaining friendships.