Each person in this stressful situation must always sustain hope and resist enemy indoctrination.
Here, advertising attains the dimension of a cultural monument, while theater sustains intermittent hope that art should aspire to broad popular appeal.
What sustains hope is not so much the formal actions as how they are being achieved.
Sometimes he sent her impulsive cables calculating to sustain hope.
And when the pickings were lean, there remained the thrill of the chase, the 49er's dream, the cherished, sustaining hope of wealth.
He hesitated, then confided, "It grows difficult to sustain hope, after so many years, but hope you have again given us that we will reach our destination.
The false hotel looks a lot like a film set - just as the old man's lies function much as a movie does, providing the illusions necessary to sustain life and hope.
"We also believe that projects such as yours are important for sustaining hope and understanding," Mr. Powell's letter read.
Nearly always, it means rediscovering a shred of purpose, reinventing a reason to sustain hope once it has been brought back to life again.
Groopman, a Harvard physician and a writer for The New Yorker, delves into the stories of his cancer patients over the past 30 years, trying to understand how they sustain hope.