Vehicles which cannot sustain speeds of 60 km/h (37 mph) on the flat are not allowed on the Autobahn, however.
Their tails cannot sustain high speeds, but combine the capability for bursts of speed with maneuverability.
International connectivity sucks balls though, and most users rarely sustain 1Mbps international speeds.
The 911's ability to sustain very high speeds is a given.
Kangaroos can sustain speeds of up to 25 km/h for long periods; but what they gain in the springs, they lose as pendulums.
Clearly made to be all jackrabbit starts and pounce, lions cannot sustain high speeds for long.
Concrete ties were cheaper and easier to obtain than timber and better able to carry higher axle-weights and sustain higher speeds.
Although their wheels were an inch (25 mm) smaller than those of the Challengers, they were still able to sustain high speeds.
It can, however, sustain high speeds longer than cheetahs.
"We're not built to sustain such speeds for long and it's going to prove a challenge to the engineering staff."