A section on the company's website details its programs on charitable work and its contributions to the sustainability movement.
Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating.
PRUPIM has been active in the sustainability movement.
Tom Bender is one of the American founders of the "green architecture" and "sustainability" movements.
The initiative emerged from the Victorian sustainability movement and expanded to encompass the rest of Australia.
The AIA has been involved with green initiatives and sustainability movements before, including its 2030 Carbon Neutrality challenge.
It can be used to create artistic, sculptural forms and has been revived in recent years by the natural building and sustainability movements.
The book explains how the sustainability movement has been hijacked by the corporate sector, military, and government.
This expansion and the educational messages evident throughout the building have led the way to an impressive environmental sustainability movement in this area.
In addition, bioregionalism spawned the sustainability movement.