His company, Comet Skateboards, uses only ecologically safe materials like water-based coatings and sustainable woods like bamboo.
Over the next few months, the company will be redoing its stores in an "eco-chic" design: more plants, terra cotta accents, sustainable woods.
If you're buying furniture, the Stewardship Council mark shows that the product is made from sustainable wood.
Home Depot, the chain of home-improvement stores, has announced that it will buy sustainable wood whenever possible.
We heat our house with sustainable wood from our forest.
They will pay more for ecologically sustainable wood if they can pass this cost onto the consumer.
However, few laminate products are made with sustainable wood so this is something you need to research before you make your purchase.
His nightstand is a stool made from ecologically sustainable wood and recycled aluminum.
Mr. Seydel went on a research expedition to a mill outside Atlanta to insure that the hardwood floors were made from sustainable woods.
Goodwin's product range also includes other sustainable and rare woods, including wild black cherry.