The important thing is that the whole programme is planned in a way that brings out learning in depth, allowing for sustained involvement with the children, and has clear developing purposes.
But senior officials from both the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority warned that the agreement he left behind was precarious and would require renewed sustained American involvement.
To make it a success will require you to exhibit something that you have never exhibited before - a sustained, personal involvement with foreign policy.
So, Mr. Levine said, the time has come for a sustained involvement with symphonic repertory.
"This is the beginning of sustained involvement of the World Bank in these countries," he said.
Although Smith worked from the female nude all through his 40-year career, his sustained involvement with one of the oldest and most traditional artistic motifs has rarely been addressed by scholars and critics.
A sustained involvement in the process of drawing would have helped.
I had no sustained involvement in any kind of political activity - mainly, I think, because there weren't any models of political organization that I could identify with.
I think there are many benefits to be gleaned from sustained involvement with sport and would emphasize strongly its creative dimensions.
He said, "We are committed to sustained public involvement," through the development corporation's 25-member citizen's advisory council.