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Babies would be swaddled like this until about 8 or 9 months.
The result looked like a whole fish swaddled in clay.
That's why the statue is swaddled in the first place!
A color one would swaddle an infant in, she thought.
Next time I saw him he was swaddled up like a mummy.
She had reserved a small piece to swaddle the baby.
Looked down and saw she was swaddled in one of the afghans from the living room.
Children were swaddled shortly after birth, to keep them out of mother's way.
Instead, swaddled in white tissue paper, he found the afghan.
She felt imprisoned, but secure, a baby swaddled for the night.
The latest grandchild, swaddled in white, was just two months old.
In her arms she carried a baby of perhaps three months, closely swaddled despite the heat.
I will not let it end with you swaddled in unawareness!
On the top lay a large object swaddled in velvet.
The man carried a 2-week-old baby swaddled in soft blue blankets.
This allows one to imagine a world free of fast food swaddled in paper and plastic.
And he lifted the shawl that swaddled the child's body.
Then it is wrapped in plastic and swaddled with towels.
His mobile phone was sitting on the table, swaddled in soft black leather.
You could walk home swaddled in American flags, with a new pair of socks.
We'd won that round, while I slept swaddled in dark cotton.
On the contrary, their deeds came swaddled in the innocence of love.
It is not clear to what extent the babies of poorer parents were swaddled.
Now, it was like being swaddled in a mattress.
Swaddled by the fog, the unseen city around them might not have existed.