To begin with, there was no problem of physique; Bonforte and I could have swapped clothes without a wrinkle.
This allows a user to swap batteries in the middle of an application without danger.
It may be more economically sensible to swap an unwanted present for something you do want, without any money changing hands.
It looks like the Old and New Divisions are swapping places without any problems.
They swapped the photos back and forth without a word.
Sailors like to swap sea stories even without a few glasses of vino to loosen their tongues.
The reason, he said, is a lack of a protocol by which governments could swap proprietary information without fear of public release.
It let individual traders swap shares inside the system - without help from the big Wall Street firms.
What is really happening is that the operating system is swapping programs between memory and the computer's hard disk without the user seeing the transaction.
Somehow the smugglers had managed to swap origin and destination without the ident.