Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
When I turn my back, they swarm all over me.
For once, the little girl did not swarm on him.
You've got to be a little hard with them or they'll swarm you.
The city is swarming with police and they're also looking for you.
The security people were already swarming all over the place.
An army could swarm all over him at any moment.
Did you see the way they swarmed over that thing?
The next morning, the house is swarming with police and the media.
When he looked back, there were more people swarming around him.
Rather than four people swarming around your table, there may be just two.
Five came first and behind these, I did not doubt, would swarm others.
If they swarmed ahead, they'd have him before he could deal with more than two.
And, before I, or any of the other men, could do anything, they all swarmed down on us.
Behind him the men were coming, swarming up from below.
Any minute now the police would be swarming all over.
They all swarm to the old houses in the South.
They'll be swarming all over here in half a minute.
The questions continued to swarm: Exactly what was he doing?
When they do look, their cars are swarmed with workers.
People swarmed around him when they realized from where he had come.
He was one of those players always swarming around the ball.
They swarmed him until the ball was out of his hands.
Now the world is suddenly swarming with people who know history.
Women swarmed around him, we are told, yet he never married.
I went up on the Head, instead, but it was swarming.