The wind pulled at him, a gentle breeze that cooled his sweat-soaked clothes and threatened to pluck him from his precarious handholds.
The sun was weak in a murky sky, and the air felt cold against my sweat-soaked clothes.
The night was cool, and I was so cold in my sweat-soaked clothes that I got up at 0200 and moved about to keep warm.
Con lay still in her sweat-soaked clothes and tried to get some sleep, but it was impossible.
As Minako's fingers unbuttoned my blood- and sweat-soaked clothes I glanced aside.
She stripped off her sweat-soaked clothes, climbed into the shower and scrubbed her battered body.
He had lain in a pile of straw in his sweat-soaked clothes and wound a blanket around him while he dried.
A short fat man, dressed in the sweat-soaked clothes of a dock-worker, entered and closed the door behind him.
The wind and sweat-soaked clothes were biting cold against his skin.
They came during the day, in the blistering heat, waiting for hours in sweat-soaked clothes.