Mergers have swept the publishing business in the last several years, fueled by cost-cutting and the desire for more leverage in dealing with both writers and bookstores.
The public has yet to catch up with the full extent of the intellectual revolution that has swept the earth sciences in the last few years.
The two flu pandemics that swept the world in the past fifty years each appeared first in China, then in Hong Kong.
According to Amnesty International, the problems now are not nearly as grim as the terror that swept the nation in the years immediately after the coup.
The company has its origins in the political turmoil that swept the country in the final years of the Marcos dictatorship.
Neither team has swept the season series in the seven years of interleague play, but the Yankees can do it with a victory at home tonight.
I remember my paternal grandmother telling me that my white ancestors also swept the yards every morning at daybreak in the early years in this century.
An American esthetic has swept through fashion in the last three years, with comfortable, relaxed, functional clothing.
Scrapie is believed to be related to mad cow disease, which has swept through Britain in the last 10 years.
The waves of immigrants who swept into the Lower East Side in the first years of the 1900's found almost everything they needed sold right under their tenement windows.