A flight attendant who was swept to her death was the only fatality.
A flight attendant was swept to her death, and 6 of the 95 other people on board were seriously injured.
The waves swept a person off a large rock to their death.
Flash flooding in Arizona swept a 12-year-old girl to her death on July 20, 2010.
The sea is lethal - our dog was almost swept to its death - but gives onto a steep pebble beach.
A flight attendant was swept to her death and eight others were seriously injured.
All the people who had been swept to their death would still be alive.
She jokingly pushed him into the river, but he was swept to his death by a powerful current before anyone could help.
If he fell through he would be swept to his death.
The break-up swept a cabin attendant to her death and injured 61 of the other 94 people on board.