Waldstein said that Schindler's essay was a "blanket negative statement" that made "sweeping accusations" against a position he did not recognize as West's.
Pilfering, substance abuse, profound ennui, malingering and uninspiring: Karon Cooney's list of sweeping accusations against her teaching companions is, indeed, frightfully all encompassing.
What comes up is a sweeping accusation of shady financial dealings by the Bush family.
In written submissions to the Ontario Superior Court, both airlines made sweeping accusations about what started with Mr. Hill's visits to the Air Canada site.
"I don't think it makes the case for the sweeping accusations that it makes," he said.
"The dramatic and sweeping accusations leveled against Swiss banks for years have proved to be unfounded," said Georg Krayer, president of the Swiss Bankers Association.
Shea felt slightly irritated by these sweeping accusations, and his reply was sharp.
That sweeping accusation - a joke to anyone who knew Abe Chasanow - gave a clue to what might really be involved.
In arguing his case, he makes sweeping accusations that impugn the honor of the 1969 West Point class (of which he is a member), the military academy itself and the officer corps.
In the obstruction case, the prosecutors must make a circumstantial but highly suggestive set of facts support a sweeping accusation.